Dakota John Wagner - Online Memorial Website

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Dakota Wagner
Born in Arkansas
6 years
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It is God who sends the darkness, Instead of only light. For we would not cling to his hand, If the way were always bright. And we would never walk by faith, If we only walked by sight.2 Cor 5:7

Dakota was born Feb. 21, 2001 in Mena, AR to John and Jamie Wagner.  Dakota was a bright, healthy, wonderful little boy.  At his Kindergarten graduation, he won the award for giving the best hugs in class, and he was very excited about starting the 1st grade.  Dakota's favorite color was red, he loved daffodils in the spring, Clifford the Big Red Dog, and Dr. Seuss' Are you my mother.  Dakota enjoyed reading, computer games, and playing with DeLenn and Austin.  Dakota loved the "Boog Movie", to adults that's Open Season, Cars, and the Cars theme song "Life is a Highway".  Whenever that song came on the radio he would yell, "The Cars song, turn it up."


On July 16, 2007, Dakota fell into a stock pond and drowned.  We will never know why he went down there, it leaves a deep wound, the not knowing.


Dakota is dearly missed, and greatly loved.  His family feels like a hole has been left in us, that nothing will ever fill.


God's Lent Child

"I'll lend you for a little while

A Child of Mine," God said,

"For you to love the while he lives,

And mourn for when he's dead.

It may be six or seven years

Or twenty-two or three;

But will you, 'till I call him back,

Take care of him for Me?

He'll bring his charms to gladden you

And (should his stay be brief)

You'll have his loving memories

As solace for your grief.

I cannot promise he will stay

Since all from earth return;

But there are lessons taught below

I want this child to learn.

I've looked the whole world over

In my search for teachers true;

And from the things that crowd life's lane

I have chosen you.

Now will you give him all your love?

Nor think the labor vain?

Nor hate me when I come to take

This lent child back again?

I fancied that I heard them say,

"Dear Lord, Thy will be done.

For all the joys Thy child will bring

The risk of grief we'll run.

We will shelter him with tenderness,

We'll love him while we may,

And for the happiness we've known

Forever grateful stay.

But should Thy angel call for him

Much sooner than we've planned,

We'll brave the bitter grief that comes

And try to understand."



by: Jamie Wagner

Time heals all wounds,

Or that’s what people say.

But the only time I want,

Is to go back to that horrible day.

I want a chance to change,

The way things went.

A chance to make it all better,

back to before my world was twisted and bent.

Time is a funny thing,

With the joys and

The heart break that it can bring.

Nothing we can do will change it.

I am screaming inside,

Since the day that I lost you,

I feel like part of me has died.

I miss you so much.

Time goes on,

But the memories remain.

Even though you are gone,

You are still mine, just the same.

My heart seems to always be in pain,

And when I think of you,

Tears fall like rain,

Even when I laugh.

You were such a big part of life,

A living piece of my heart,

Now that you gone,

I am being torn apart.

Nothing I say,

Nothing I do,

Nothing that happens,

Will make me stop loving you.

Your wonderful smile,

Your heartfelt laugh,

The memories that I hold,

Will never pass.

Time heals all wounds,

The pain begins to dim,

But the memories you made,

Keep my world from being grim.

I would rather hold you in my arms,

Instead of just my heart,

But remember, my baby,

We are never far apart.

Sometimes I swear

That you are still here,

Because something happens,

And I can feel you near.

A faint whiff of the shampoo,

That you used on your hair,

Let’s me know,

That you are still there.

Even though you are gone,

I can feel you close,

And that helps a lot,

When I am missing you most.

Time heals all wounds,

Or that’s what they say.

But please God for now,

Just help me make it through today.



We will always miss you!!!  We love you Dakota!!!!! Fly high with angels.




A classmate of Dakota's mom wrote this for him when she heard that we had lost him.  Thank You Kerri 

I Love Dakota!
By Kerri Guest

Irresistible as the most adorable teddy bear; with gorgeous angelic blue eyes and sweet lil curls in his sweet n soft hair,

Lil petitie cute n sweetie; bearing mounds of kisses in which everyone around Dakota misses,

Ocean of memories, of the handsome 'lil child' such a price-less character so gentle n mild,

Vivacious; so full of life like a shooting star; so stunning n awesome; but never forgotten; if you look up high; his name is spelled out by the shimmering stars! Dakota is a Legend of Love!

Eager to answer the call; having the most spirited disposition overflowing with baskets, bundles, and oodles of overflowing pure hugs -n- kisses; undeniable Love, Love, Love!

Dakota touched many hearts n impressed many people too; with wonderful parenting skills; which taught Dakota to love n laugh; forgiving always; Dakota did what Jesus would do,

Angelic child-God needed him to re-decorate heaven with smiles n laughter n hugs; Dakota will always be remembered with a smile n open arms; now with the 'Lord', holding him from up above,

Know him is to love him is Dakota's motto; God gifted Dakota with HOSPITALITY-He could talk to a fence post, a stranger, as approachable as they come-Happiness of Heart is what he would hum,

Oh, how I miss him how he doted on his Mom n Dad; remembering his pre-school graduation celebration; must have kissed his Momma a hundred times with a smile from Mena n back again,

The most loving child I ever met or ever will meet-when Mom told me he was gone; I felt very strong that Dakota was a special angel who's presence blessed us six years long,

Awesome how that lil fellow turned Mena upside down with tears n regret that he is no longer here; Faith, knowing we will see him one day again in heaven gives us all longing hope and cheer!


Miss you little toad frog!
Thank you for coming to meet our precious Dakota.  It means alot to us.



Latest Memories

  My boy, my first son, it's been a year since you left us.  It's been so rough.  The week after, I was at work and your face kept appearing in front of me.  I tried to go on and work, but couldn't.  I sat and broke down.  Billy walked over and said, "I'm sure Frank wouldn't mind if you went home."  Through great effort, I was able to pull it together and said, "I'll be okay."  I wasn't.  I was just able to get through the day. 

  But a lot has happened.  Your heart, the biggest part of you lives on.  My boy, I'm so proud of you.  You saved two lives!

  You had a star named in your honor!  How cool is that?  Yet I'd rather have pointed up to the sky and said, 'Pick a star, boy.  It's yours.' It wouldn't have been official, I don't have that kind of power, but in the eyes of a six year old, I do.

  Your brother started school.  You were looking forward to taking him on the bus with big brother.  He goes, and we see to it he gets on and off the bus with big sister, but there's a hollow spot in between them.

  There was even a trip to the zoo!  I couldn't go, but I know you would have LOVED the animals, seeing for real the animals you loved on Go Diego Go and the Wonder Pets.

  You're missed all around.  I'm just writing this letter to let you know.  Give God a big hug for us and don't give Him too big a headache.  Give Grandpa Jim, Grandma Karen and Great Grandmas Dulia and Luella hugs and kisses too.  You've gotta be the brightest point in Heaven to them.

  Love you, boy.


Dakota last year for your birthday we had a Batman cake.  Do you remember?  You played with that car for hours.  Barely even opened your gifts.  Austin plays with the farm set you got that day.  I miss you so much. 

Dakota it has been two months since we lost you.  I miss you so much, that I ache.  Last night I was thinking about the fact that two months ago, we were having our family fireworks and BBQ, and you were sitting in my lap watching the sky light up, and laughing.  After everyone of them you would give me a hug and tell me "That one was loud and it scared me."  Then you would laugh like crazy and yell for Dad to light another one. 


Two months ago this morning we made the drive to Nanny's house, and you curled up on the couch and fell asleep again.  Then Zoey jumped up on you and just squished you, so that you would get into the floor and play with her.  That dog misses you just as much as the rest of us do.


I love you, and I miss you.

Jason Dobbs
I will always remember when i would come over on saturdays to visit and Dakota always would try to explain to me about those crazy kid's shows he was always watching. He would sit next and try to explain what was happening. And we would just sit there kid around with each other.
Gabby Guest
When I was in pre-school at Acorn in Mrs. T's class, I remember a big kid dressed in a large Clifford costume.  He came in our class and Dakota said, "I like red and I like Clifford the big red dog".  I remember Dakota hugging and kissing me and other girls too!!  He got in trouble sometimes for doing it but I don't think he ever had to go to the principal's office for hugging and kissing the girls.  I will miss Dakota!  He lives in Heaven now and I live in Hot Springs.

Latest Condolences
Edith Thompson It’s been a while. March 31, 2019
Hi Jamie. I was going thru some old Emails from our Mothers grief group from 2009 & decided to come visit Dakota. I know he’s a handsome young man in Heaven now. And, I know he’s still watching over u all. I hope u & ur family are well. I want u to know , every time I hear that song u had on here, (Life is a Highway)I think of ur Angel. Take care & stay strong. Edith 
Mom of ^j^ Dennis.
Amy (SK) what a child July 17, 2009

I've known the two of you for just over a year now and I know as much about your family as I do my own. You and yours are my extended family that time and long conversations have brought. I can never even begin to come close to knowing the pain that you must go thru everyday. From the stories I have heard and to hear how you each talk of him, he sounds like an amazing child. Please know that my heart and thoughts are with you and yours always. Just find the peace in knowing that he learned how to watch over you from being watched over by you.

                                         Love you both always

Courtney Friend of John and Jamie June 23, 2009
I know its been awhile but I will still be there as a shoulder to cry on for both of you as you have been for me.
Dar Konetzka Beautiful People by Roy Nichols July 7, 2008

The most beautiful people I know

are those who have known defeat,

known suffering,

known struggle,

known loss,

and have found their way

out of the depths.

These people

have an appreciation,

a sensitivity, and an

understanding of life

that fills them with compassion

and a deep loving concern.

Beautiful people do not just happen.

Jamie, Your family is included in our daily prayers.  "Prayers for strength and God's Peace to be with each of you now and through future years."

This first year anniversary with all of the 'firsts' and memories have been difficult...but days will get easier.  Memories will bring more smiles and your love for little Dakota will continue to grow stronger. 
He is one of Heaven's littlest saints now. 
His prayers for you are strong
and as close to Almighty God
as a prayer can be. 
Use Him...talk to Dakota.
That's why he is NOW one of God's little helpers.
I believe that Dakota's love for his family can work miracles
through Jesus Christ
because HE is with Dakota in heaven.
Use Him...talk to Dakota.
Konetzka Family Heaven's Little Saint June 14, 2008

My prayers go with you and your family as you near this first year anniversary date of your beautiful Dakota's death.  I can't say that your inner pain will magically go away...it won't.. but days will get better as each special anniversary passes...Dakota will always be a "Special " part of your family but now He is also a "Special" part of your future...He is waiting for you. In the meantime, I know that our children in Heaven are praying for us and waiting for that day when Almighty God also calls all of us home to be reunited with our loved ones.  Be strong, find comfort with those who truly understand your grief.  Focus on those precious memories of Dakota...and smile...He will always be alive within your heart and these memories make it so. 

Jamie, we will stay in touch...there is so much more to share in helping each other get through these days, these years ahead.  May our Heavenly Father give us the strength to be there for each other but especially for the rest of our families (our younger children) who are also suffering the loss but don't know how to express themselves nor understand the whys.  There will always be questions with no answers while here on Earth.  God knows "Why?".  One day we will too. God be with you and your family.  

Pray for your family, little Dakota...help them to be strong now that you are one of God's little saints in the communion of saints in Heaven. 

Thank you for visiting our memorial site for our Dakotah, Austin and Gianna... dakotah-austin.memory-of.com. 

Quick Gallery
Dakota's 6th birthday Dakota Christmas 2007